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Jan 2019
· GitHub · Website
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The goal of this webpage is to provide a high-level overview of what global warming is: how it's caused, how much the Earth has warmed, and its observed and predicted effects. Made with React Static, a static-site generator for React, fetches up-to-date climate data from NASA and NOAA servers and displays the data as charts to provide a visualization of how global warming is progressing.

The webpage has a summary of the current state of global warming, with references provided for each piece of information. The website fetches its data and generates the webpages at build time, and on runtime it simply serves the already generated webpages. I chose this approach because retrieving and parsing the climate data takes some time. The servers we fetch data from are fairly slow, and the data comes in as a CSV which needs to be parsed into JSON in order to be used in a JavaScript application.

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